Terms of Service

By owning/purchasing an Aequor/Aequor MYO slot or participating in the species, you have agreed to all following TOS.

These terms may be subject to change without prior notifications.
Last Update: 02/06/23


  1. Aequor closed species (CS) is owned by @rinri.
  2. Aequor CS does not own nor copyright the concept of parasitic marine animals or tiger based species.
  3. You are advised to be 16+ before joining Aequor CS.
  4. Creating an Aequor without owning an MYO slot is prohibited.
  5. Designs must be approved and added to the masterlist by @rinri or any assisting moderators to be considered a recognized Aequor.
  6. Aequor does not permit the use of any designs/images for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTS) or any form of cryptocurrencies.
  7. Aequor does not permit the use of any designs/images for Artificial Intelligence (AI) training.
  8. Following the Aequor CS lore is not required.
  9. Alternate Universe(AU) designs are allowed only with permission from original designer with the exception of official / guest adopts.


  1. All Official/Guest Artist adopts and MYO slot sales are final and non-refundable.
  2. All payments in regards to Official/Guest Artist adopts and MYO slots must be made within 24 hours of receiving the invoice.
  3. All currency is in USD, through PayPal.
  4. If participating in a bid, only bid when you are sure you can afford it. Bid responsibily.
  5. By retracting your bid/ghosting without warning will result in a strike.
  6. Bidding is not allowed for accounts that are under 3 months old.
    • However if you have an older account but moved to a new one, an exception can be made as long as appropriate proof is provided.
  7. If adopts / MYOs are charge-backed, you will be blacklisted. Adopts will be relisted for sale.
  8. Above are general Payment Terms for MYO slots and adopts by @rinri. Payment Terms of each designer / guest artist may differ and should be taken with equal importance.
    • If there are any conflicts, please discuss with @rinri.
  9. For @rinri's adopts, please view detailed TOS here.

Ownership transfers

Aequor / MYO Slots

  1. Aequors or MYO slots have a 3 week transfer cooldown.
  2. Aequors or MYO slots must be listed in the masterlist under your name to be able to gift/trade/resell.
  3. If there is no monetary worth attached to the Aequor or MYO slot in the masterlist. It is only available for gift/trade.
  4. Aequors and MYO slots can only be resold for the value you obtained it at with reference to the monetary worth attached in the masterlist.
    • Adding value to Aequor is allowed only if there is commissioned artwork.
    • It is recommended to keep record of commissioned artwork, least it be asked for proof during a trade involving monetary value.
    • Aequors with pending commission will never allowed to be traded/sold until the commission is completed.
  5. When transferring Aequors /MYO slots to another user, comment on the || Aequor / MYO slot Ownership Transfer Center. and wait for confirmation.
    • If you are in the Aequor discord, fill in the form in #masterlist-update.
    • It is always mandatory to include USD value if a monetary transaction is involved.
    • If there are no response after 72 hours, feel free to ping/dm again.
  6. Only transfer profiles when owner change is confirmed on the masterlist.

Mutation traits / items

  1. Traits and items do not have a transfer cooldown.
  2. Traits and items must be listed in the masterlist under your name to be able to gift/trade.
  3. Traits and items are never allowed to be resold for any real-life currencies or physical goods.
  4. When transferring mutation traits / items to another user, comment on the || Trait / Item Ownership Transfer Center. and wait for confirmation.
    • If you are in the Aequor discord, fill in the form in #masterlist-update.
    • If there are no response after 72 hours, feel free to ping/dm again.
  5. Only transfer profiles when owner change is confirmed on the masterlist.


  1. MYO slots refer to tickets which you can "make your own" designs.
  2. An MYO slot is mandatory when making new designs.
  3. MYO slots are obtainable in the folowing ways:
    • Species events.
    • Purchasing during sales.
    • Raffles.
    • Gifts or trades.
    • Through Aequor Credits (ac) from the shop.
  4. During sales, MYOs will have a flat price of $25. There are no rarities.
  5. There will be raffles held in the Discord server on months where there are no MYO events.
  6. However, there are events that may give MYOs with mutation traits.
  7. All users are only allowed to have 3 unused MYOs at a time.
  8. MYO slots have a 3 week cooldown before it is able to be transferred.


  1. All MYO slots do not expire.
  2. All users are only allowed to have 3 unused MYO slots at a time.
  3. All Aequors and MYO slots have a cooldown of 3 week after initial creation, trade or resale to prevent design foddering.
  4. All Aequor adopts/MYO slots that have been obtained through non-monetary means may not be resold for money.
  5. It is not permitted to list any adopts/MYO slots for higher than what you have paid for unless extra art has been commissioned.
    • Personal art do not add up towards total worth. However, an appraisal is possible by dm-ing @rinri.
    • Else, you can only list it for how much you have obtained it for.
  6. Deleting any Aequor profiles on toyhou.se is prohibited. This is so the ownership transfer can be tracked.
  7. Moving the design off-site is also prohibited.
  8. Aequor CS does not allow crossbreed designs with other species. Exceptions may be made for affiliate species in the future.


  1. To void an Aequor, please dm @rinri with the following info.
    • Title: Voiding Aequor - [your username]
    • Body: [permission from original designer (if applicable)], [masterlist link], [visual/link of updated design]
  2. If there are no response after 72 hours, feel free to ping/dm again.
  3. Original designer's permission is required to void an Aequor.
  4. An Aequor is voided by removing the parasitic traits (marine features). Other traits to be removed is judged by a case to case basis.
  5. Voided Aequores are no-longer useable in species-related events or lore.
  6. Voided Aequores will still be on the masterlist for tracking purposes, and if a new owner wishes to reinstate the Aequor.


To submit an MYO for approval, dm @/rinri with the following info. Or join the discord.

  • Title: Aequor MYO Approval - [your username]
  • Body:
    • [Proof: permission from designer (if applicable)]
    • [ML: masterlist link]
    • [visual/links of design reference]
    • [Class: oesteichthyes/cephalopds/crustaceans]
    • [Species: common name of animal chosen (if not, scientific is fine too)]
    • [Special traits: (if applicable)]
  • If there are no responses after 72 hours, feel free to ping/dm again.


  • Title: Aequor MYO Approval - [rinri]
  • Body:
    • Proof: n/a
    • ML: https://aequor.neocities.org/?id=AEQ0001
    • Visual: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/755486209488322621/1061219093602107422/IMG_1309.png?width=439&height=585
    • Class: oesteichthyes
    • Species: Greenthroat Parrotfish
    • Special traits: any material tail tip

Design guidelines

  1. These are compulsory traits for an Aequor:
    • Tiger ears - Tiger ears on top of head with eye-like markings.
    • Nucleus - Nucleus beside tiger ears, connected by two nerves into the head.
    • Tail body - Fish body-like tail with stripe markings.
    • Tail tip - Fin/Tentacle/Chela tail tip corrsponding to its respective class.
    • Major appendage - Sprouting from the tail base.
    • Minor appendages - Sprouting from the cranial notch.
  2. A transparent png of your reference not required but preferred.
  3. References do not have to be fully rendered and lined.
  4. References have to be at least flat colored.
  5. Sketches should be clean enough to distinguish traits.
  6. If any compulsory traits are obstructed, it is recommended to show additional reference for it.
    • Such as the eye-like marking on tiger ears.
  7. References of parasite dominant form is not needed for approval nor is it required.
  8. It is recommended to WATERMARK your images when submitting for approval.
  9. Creating designs based on known Intellectual Properties (IPs) are prohibited. Aequor is not responsible for any legal issues you may face from doing so.
  10. Designing Aequors based on existing designs are allowed and must be traded together with the original design. Provided the original designer has agreed to it.
  11. Commissioning a different person to design the MYO for you is allowed with proper credits.
    • Price paid for commissioning a design may be added to the adopt's total worth.
  12. If designing an Aeqour with heavy cultural influences, please proceed with caution and do the necessary research for it. Especially if it is outside your own culture.
  13. All Aequor designs for the masterlist must remain SFW. However, you are free to make the characters themselves nsfw.
  14. Designs that reference or support harmful content are prohibited.


  1. To submit approval for a redesign, please dm @rinri with the following info.
    • Title: Redesigning Aequor - [your username]
    • Body: [permission from original designer (if applicable)], [masterlist link], [visual/link of updated design], [written description of edited parts]
  2. If there are no response after 72 hours, feel free to ping/dm again.
  3. Approval for redesigns is required for major edits (>40%).
  4. Approval is not needed for minor edits (<40%) such as but not limited to:
    • Outfits and or accessories.
    • Hairstyles. (Hair color is considered a major change.)
    • Eye colors.
  5. Redesigns must keep at least 70% of the original design. Judging will be subjective.
  6. Changing trait classes are prohibited.
  7. Changing animals within the respective class is allowed and is considered a major edit.
  8. White-washing a design is prohibited.

Penalties / Blacklisting

  1. For minor offenses, moderators may issue warnings.
  2. The Aequor species works on a 3-strike basis. Each failure to comply with the species TOS will result in a strike. Users will be blacklisted after the third strike. Depending on severity, users may be blacklisted without warning.
  3. Penalties for minor offenses may include temporary bans from participation in any or all group activities including but not restricted to:
    • Access to the group Discord
    • Events
    • Adopt or MYO slot purchases
  4. Major offenses that severely breach the Terms of Use will result in an immediate ban and blacklist.
  5. Blacklisted users can not interact with the community beyond trading designs.
  6. If a blacklisted user currently owns any Aequor adopts/MYO slots, it will be voided.